【学生撰稿-教师节专访】九月谢师恩 礼颂引路人



When the first leaves slowly fall from the branches, the weather turns cool, and the autumn wind gradually rises, the students are engaged in the study of the new school year. With the arrival of the autumn wind, there is also a holiday belonging to the teachers - Teachers' Day. "Every ancient scholar must have a teacher. Teachers, so preaching and teaching also ", students can get ideal results, in the process are inseparable from the hard work and teaching of teachers. Next, let's use an interview report to get into the perspective of teachers.


We had the pleasure of interviewing Ms.Kery of the upper senior Physics Group, who will be teaching grades 9, 10, and 12 this school year. According to the feedback provided by the previous students taught by Ms. Kery, we know that Ms. Lin is rigorous and serious in class, and will give detailed and clear answers to every student's questions. For students with weak understanding ability, she will also take pains to tell the steps until the students fully master them. In order to learn more about Ms. Kery, we asked the following questions during the interview:



Q1: How long do you have to work at Sedbergh School? Why do you choose Sedbergh School as the teaching place?

“这是我在赛德文学校的第六年,我是福州本地的双语老师,希望能见证到在‘家门口’ 的国际学校的发展和进步。同时,我也很认同并推崇学校的全人教育理念,希望自己的孩子和亲戚朋友的孩子都能够在有着这样教育理念的环境下成长。”

"This is my sixth year at Sedbergh School and I am a local bilingual teacher in Fuzhou and hope to witness the development and progress of the international school on my 'doorstep'. At the same time, I also recognize and admire the school's holistic education concept, and hope that my own children and the children of my relatives and friends can grow up in such an environment."

p.s:赛德文学校贯彻全人教育理念,以“明德 启智 强体 乐群 尚美、崇劳”为六大核心价值观,融合中西教育优势,致力于培育兼具家国情怀和国际视野的新时代英才。

p.s: Sedbergh School implements the concept of holistic education, with six core values of "morality, intelligence, physical, community, beauty and labor", integrates the advantages of Chinese and Western education, and is committed to cultivating talents in the new era with both national feelings and international vision.


Q2: What was the most enjoyable experience in teaching?


"The most enjoyable part of my teaching process is when students participate in my class and discover the beauty of physics from ordinary knowledge with me, and then gradually fall in love with physics."


Q3.1: Are there any difficult challenges to overcome in the teaching process?


"For some students, because of their own and other people's learning experience, subconsciously imply that physics is a difficult subject, and feel that physics is beyond the reach of existence." This has led them to give up on physics in the first place, and I've been trying to figure out how to break this subconscious boundary and get them to love physics.”


Q3.2 What do you usually do to deal with that ?


"It takes a lot of hard work from both students and teachers, not giving up on any student, encouragement in the classroom and tutoring outside the classroom, to make students realize that through ordinary efforts, finding the right way to make physics interesting and rewarding."


Q4:What characteristics do you think a good physics teacher should have, and what training do you need?


“Become a good teacher, the basic teaching skills are necessary, and on this basis. Take every lesson seriously, has been a big step toward the excellent teacher, and finally need to continue to learn, only by constantly adapting my teaching to the growth of students and the development of The Times can I teach excellent students and become a good teacher.”



“No matter how you have done in the past, when you enter my physics class, please treat it as a brand new discipline, understand it again, and you will harvest the indescribable sense of achievement it brings you.”


The students want to say:


“In my impression, Ms.Kery has always been very amiable and gave me a lot of help in the process of learning physics. I had a strong resistance to physics at the beginning, but then I gradually tried to keep up with the class, and now I have a good physics score."


“Miss Lin has always been a careful teacher in academic aspects, and gave us a lot of special exercises for each unit. Every time I went to her for questions that I couldn't understand, she always taught me in a simple and clear way. I got more and more questions right, which gradually made me interested in physics and more confident."


“Ms. Kery taught me with great patience and even taught me physics outside of class. She gave me a lot of encouragement and help. My grades went from C to A in just over a month and stayed there for a long time."


The teachers want to say:

“Ms.Kery 很有教学的热情,而且她的经验丰富,她平常非常关心学生的成绩,在学生们看不到的地方做了很多额外的工作。虽然她的母语并不是英语,但是她仍然能够用英语将问题解释的很清楚。这让我感到十分意外而且很敬佩。”

“Ms.Kery has a passion for teaching, and she is very experienced. She is usually very concerned about students' grades, and does a lot of extra work in the place where students can not see. Although her native language is not English, she can still explain the problem clearly in English. I was surprised and impressed."

“我印象中的Ms.Kery是一个用心负责认真教书的老师,性格也很温和,平易近人。同学们也常常跟我提起她,而且都在夸赞她。总而言之,Ms.Kery 是一个很优秀的老师。”

“In my impression, Ms.Kery is a conscientious and responsible teacher with a gentle and approachable personality. My classmates often tell me about her, and they all praise her. All in all, Ms.Kery is an excellent teacher.”


Teachers' Day wishes for teachers

通过这次采访, 我们能看出的不止有Ms.Kery 的辛勤付出,她代表的更是整个赛德文学校的教学团队。“采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜。”教师们的默默无闻地辛苦付出,不求回报,最终的受益者其实是同学们。老师们不仅教给我们知识,还帮助我们掌握各种技能,引导我们树立正确的价值观和人生观,所以我们应该尊重老师,对他们抱有感恩之情。最后,赛德文学校祝愿天下所有的老师节日快乐,桃李满天下!

Through this interview, we can see not only the hard work of Ms.Kery, but also the entire teaching team of Sedevin School Teachers asking for no return, and the ultimate beneficiaries are actually the students. Teachers not only teach us knowledge, but also help us master various skills and guide us to set up correct values and outlook on life, so we should respect teachers and be grateful to them. Finally, Sedbergh School wishes all the teachers in the world a happy holiday.


Thanks to Student TV -Sandy She for contributing